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Episode 1

Nativity Have you ever fled from a disaster only to find a bigger one? Year 3188 For years, wars and famines have rendered the world uninhabitable. However, humanity did not despair and sought to find a new life. A small group calling themselves the Children of Light started the project of salvation in search of new paths. During this long and arduous journey, as people tried to establish a new order among themselves, they did not realize that they would face an unknown threat. For years, the general who led a robotic race called the Grand General of Varonve, a robotic race that had dominated the planet Vandrell for years, had wreaked destruction, wars and famines. This power had also taken hold of the other life forms on the planet, establishing an authority over everyone. But humanity was not aware of this. When they reached the planet Vandrell, they encountered a new and exotic world. They met different climates, vegetation and species. Their first contact with other civilizations also took place during this period. Some races welcomed the humans with curiosity and offered cooperation, but others saw them as alien and dangerous. Perhaps there was hope for the Vandrell, the Children of Light, who had fled their own catastrophe only to find one on another world. The other races, who wanted to start an uprising against the Grand General of Varonve, could perhaps be saved by the arrival of the humans. In this complex situation, humans found themselves facing both new friendships and new enmities. Humans had to make a decision about their future and the fate of this planet. In this process, humanity will be prepared to undergo a profound change both within itself and in its relations with other races. How will humans, who have to find a place in the new world, deal with the evil force? An alliance is essential. And what role will humanity play in this?

Episode 2

Awakening There was a hard landing in the city of Varonve on the planet Vandrell. The people of the planet gathered curiously near the human race. They approached cautiously, but when the gates opened, they saw the humans as harmless and sent envoys to talk to them. The people of the planet understood that they were looking for a new habitat after their world had become uninhabitable due to wars and famines. In the end, the fact that humans did not pose a threat and that they shared the same fate reminded the Vandrell people of their own experiences. The Grand General of Varonve, who leads a robotic race that strives to be the sole ruler of the planet, has an unshakable authority with his commanders named Protector of Space, Protector of Power, Protector of Time, Protector of Eternity and 4 keys to his power. Once upon a time, the 5 protectors who guarded the planet Vandrell were betrayed by one of them, who, through black magic, subjugated the other 4 protectors, made them obey him and named him Grand General of Varonve. Thus, he took a big step towards becoming the sole ruler of Vandrell. Since the dark magic that the Guardians are affected by draws its power from the Stone of Truth, the spell can only be lifted by destroying this stone. But how will the stone be destroyed?

Episode 3

The Great Quest Humanity knew about the Reality Stone but had no idea how to destroy it. They tried to learn a little about the stone with the local people. But no one knew about this weapon that could destroy the stone. There had been a rebellion by the locals before and a great battle had taken place. But the battle was lost before the ancient weapon could be used. With the defeat, the wielder went into hiding to prevent the weapon from falling into the hands of the Grand General of Varonve and was never heard from again. After days of trying to find a trace of the weapon, humanity was forced to take a different path in despair. They decided to send an emissary to the Grand General of Varonve to try to reconcile. Although they were aware that this would not work, there seemed to be no other way out at this stage. Long meetings were held to negotiate. There were long meetings about what to talk about so that the city would have peace and freedom, and now they were ready to talk to the general. A messenger was sent to arrange a meeting. Finally, the messenger set off for the meeting.

Episode 4

The Big Plan After a long journey, the meeting place was finally reached and only hours remained for the speech. As the envoy prepared to meet the Grand General of Varonve, he reviewed the terms that had been discussed to avoid a war. After a long wait, the envoy arrived and appeared before the Grand General of Varonve. After a short heated speech, the envoy presented his terms, stating that there was no need to fight, that he only had to accept our conditions, and that in the event of a possible war, both sides would suffer great losses. The conditions were:
1. Humans will be allowed to live on this land.
2.The people of the planet will be left alone.
3.Villages will not be looted.
4.No local people will be forcibly detained for labor.
5.Taxes will be paid, provided they are not too high.
Hearing the terms, the Grand General of Varon nodded with a wry smile, then rose from his throne, approached the envoy slowly and said; “In my land, I set the terms. He killed the envoy with his sword, striking him on the neck. He sent his body back and gave his answer in a harsh way Seeing the frozen body of the messenger, the people swore revenge with great anger. They became acutely aware of the gravity of the situation. Their next step was to find the ancient weapon, no matter what.