What is Varonve?

Varonve is an OG PFP collection of 5555 unique pieces on Scroll.

What is Space Hub?

Space Hub is our playground where we provide Utilities to Varonve owners. In the Space Hub, Varonves can be staked to earn xp, which can be used in the Raffle system. Varonve owners can also participate in Token and NFT drops of projects, physical products of the Collection and DAO voting. Space Hub will have more Utility in the future as we release experimental products.


Varonve lore builds on the collection and creates a universe from scratch. Within this lore, we tell our roadmap to the readers in a mystical universe and create a story for the characters in the collection. Our strong art combines with our story to create the foundations of a strong brand.

Why Scroll?

Given Ethereum's roadmap towards layer 2 solutions, we believe that ecosystems on layer 2 will expand further in the near future. Scroll's community-focused mission suggests that it will be at the forefront of zk Rollup futures. This foundational belief is the most significant reason for positioning Varonve on Scroll.

How can I get in touch?

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